123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839 |
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Picture (Prototypes) Version 1.00
- //
- // Routins 4 Showing Picture Files... (.BMP .DIB .EMF .GIF .ICO .JPG .WMF)
- //
- // Author: Dr. Yovav Gad, EMail: Sources@SuperMain.com ,Web: www.SuperMain.com
- //=============================================================================
- #if _MSC_VER > 1000
- #pragma once
- #endif // _MSC_VER > 1000
- class CPicture
- {
- public:
- void FreePictureData();
- BOOL Load(CString sFilePathName);
- BOOL Load(UINT ResourceName, LPCSTR ResourceType);
- BOOL LoadPictureData(BYTE* pBuffer, int nSize);
- BOOL SaveAsBitmap(CString sFilePathName);
- BOOL Show(CDC* pDC, CPoint LeftTop, CPoint WidthHeight, int MagnifyX, int MagnifyY);
- BOOL Show(CDC* pDC, CRect DrawRect);
- BOOL ShowBitmapResource(CDC* pDC, const int BMPResource, CPoint LeftTop);
- BOOL UpdateSizeOnDC(CDC* pDC);
- CPicture();
- virtual ~CPicture();
- IPicture* m_IPicture; // Same As LPPICTURE (typedef IPicture __RPC_FAR *LPPICTURE)
- LONG m_Height; // Height (In Pixels Ignor What Current Device Context Uses)
- LONG m_Weight; // Size Of The Image Object In Bytes (File OR Resource)
- LONG m_Width; // Width (In Pixels Ignor What Current Device Context Uses)
- };