V2Method.cs 49 KB

  1. using CCWin.SkinControl;
  2. using Newtonsoft.Json;
  3. using Newtonsoft.Json.Linq;
  4. using SufeiUtil;
  5. using SXLibrary;
  6. using System;
  7. using System.Collections.Generic;
  8. using System.Data.SQLite;
  9. using System.Diagnostics;
  10. using System.IO;
  11. using System.Linq;
  12. using System.Text;
  13. using System.Threading.Tasks;
  14. using System.Web;
  15. using System.Windows.Forms;
  16. using HttpHelper = SufeiUtil.HttpHelper;
  17. namespace MOKA_Factory_Tools
  18. {
  19. internal class V2Method
  20. {
  21. private static string url_getDSNFromSmes = "http://smes-app-prod.tclking.com:9006/api/xm/GetXMTVParts?TVSN=";
  22. public static MidList midList { get; set; }
  23. private static string url_getMessage = "https://cn.uc.qhmoka.com/scbc-server/clientType/getMessage.do";
  24. public static void SetMexicanConfig(bool bMexican = false)
  25. {
  26. if (bMexican)
  27. url_getMessage = "";
  28. else
  29. url_getMessage = "https://cn.uc.qhmoka.com/scbc-server/clientType/getMessage.do";
  30. if ( TestMode.testMode)
  31. url_getMessage = "http://test.scbc.qhmoka.com/scbc-server/clientType/getMessage.do";
  32. }
  33. public static void SetGetMessageUrl(string url = "https://cn.uc.qhmoka.com/scbc-server/clientType/getMessage.do")
  34. {
  35. url_getMessage = url;
  36. }
  37. public static RokuCustomer GetRokuInfo(string strRokuInfo)
  38. {
  39. try
  40. {
  41. JObject jObject = JObject.Parse(strRokuInfo);
  42. RokuCustomer rokuCustomer = new RokuCustomer();
  43. rokuCustomer.id = jObject["id"].ToString().Trim();
  44. rokuCustomer.ordernum = jObject["ordernum"].ToString().Trim();
  45. rokuCustomer.brand = jObject["brand"].ToString().Trim();
  46. rokuCustomer.oemmodel = jObject["oemmodel"].ToString().Trim();
  47. rokuCustomer.productiondate = jObject["productiondate"].ToString().Trim();
  48. rokuCustomer.remotetype = jObject["remotetype"].ToString().Trim();
  49. rokuCustomer.updatetime = jObject["updatetime"].ToString().Trim();
  50. rokuCustomer.createtime = jObject["createtime"].ToString().Trim();
  51. rokuCustomer.isdelete = jObject["isdelete"].ToString().Trim();
  52. if (jObject["data"] != null)
  53. {
  54. rokuCustomer.data = new List<RokuData>();
  55. foreach (var item in jObject["data"])
  56. {
  57. RokuData rokuData = new RokuData();
  58. rokuData.region = item["region"].Value<string>();
  59. rokuData.supporturl = item["supporturl"].Value<string>();
  60. rokuData.supportphone = item["supportphone"].Value<string>();
  61. rokuCustomer.data.Add(rokuData);
  62. }
  63. }
  64. return rokuCustomer;
  65. }
  66. catch (Exception ex)
  67. {
  68. Log.WriteErrorLog(string.Format("解析json失败:{0}", strRokuInfo));
  69. }
  70. return null;
  71. }
  72. public static RokuCustomer GetRokuFileInfo()
  73. {
  74. string fileName = LocalPath.localpath + "roku.info";
  75. if (File.Exists(fileName))
  76. {
  77. Log.WriteInfoLog(string.Format("using roku.info = {0}", fileName));
  78. StreamReader file = File.OpenText(fileName);
  79. RokuCustomer roku = GetRokuInfo(file.ReadToEnd());
  80. file.Close();
  81. return roku;
  82. }
  83. return null;
  84. }
  85. /// <summary>
  86. ///
  87. /// </summary>
  88. /// <param name="url"></param>
  89. /// <param name="order"></param>
  90. /// <param name="pcmac"></param>
  91. /// <param name="sqliteConn"></param>
  92. /// <param name="mid"></param>
  93. /// <returns></returns>
  94. public static bool GetMidInfo(string order, string pcmac, SQLiteConnection sqliteConn, out MidList mid)
  95. {
  96. mid = new MidList();
  97. string postData = string.Format("{{\"bid\":\"{0}\",\"mac\":\"{1}\"}}", order, pcmac);
  98. HttpHelper http = new HttpHelper();
  99. HttpItem item = new HttpItem()
  100. {
  101. URL = url_getMessage,//URL这里都是测试URl必需项
  102. Encoding = Encoding.UTF8,//编码格式(utf-8,gb2312,gbk)可选项 默认类会自动识别//Encoding = Encoding.Default,
  103. Method = "post",
  104. Postdata = postData,
  105. PostEncoding = Encoding.UTF8,
  106. KeepAlive = false
  107. };
  108. item.ContentType = "application/json;charset=utf-8";
  109. System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch stopwatch = new System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch();
  110. stopwatch.Start();
  111. HttpResult result = http.GetHtml(item);
  112. stopwatch.Stop();
  113. string usingtime = stopwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds.ToString();
  114. stopwatch.Reset();
  115. string ParseText = result.Html;
  116. if (result.StatusCode == System.Net.HttpStatusCode.OK)
  117. {
  118. Log.WriteGetKeyLog("\r\nGet MID info\r\nUsing time:" + usingtime + "ms\r\n" + ParseText + "\r\nAddress:" + url_getMessage + "\r\nPostdata:" + postData);
  119. }
  120. else
  121. {
  122. Log.WriteErrorLog("\r\nFail to GetMidInfo:" + result.StatusDescription + result.Html + "\r\nAddress:" + url_getMessage + "\r\nPostdata:" + postData);
  123. CommonMethod.ReportErrormsg("Fail to GetMidInfo", result.StatusDescription + result.Html + "\r\nAddress:" + url_getMessage + "\r\nPostdata:" + postData, sqliteConn);
  124. return false;
  125. }
  126. try
  127. {
  128. JObject jObject = JObject.Parse(ParseText);
  129. mid.message = jObject["message"].Value<string>();
  130. mid.code = jObject["code"].Value<string>();
  131. mid.factoryname = jObject["factoryName"].Value<string>();
  132. mid.factoryNum = jObject["factoryNum"].Value<string>();
  133. mid.version = jObject["version"].Value<string>();
  134. mid.quantity = jObject["quantity"].Value<string>();
  135. mid.projectid = jObject["projectId"].Value<string>();
  136. mid.clienttype = jObject["clientType"].Value<string>();
  137. mid.host = jObject["host"].Value<string>();
  138. mid.whiteType = jObject["whiteType"].Value<string>();
  139. string aesEncrypt = jObject["aesEncrypt"] == null ? null : jObject["aesEncrypt"].Value<string>();
  140. mid.isSmt = jObject["isSmt"] == null ? "0" : jObject["isSmt"].Value<string>();
  141. if (aesEncrypt != null)
  142. mid.aesEncrypt = aesEncrypt.Equals("yes", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
  143. object a = jObject["rokuCustomer"];
  144. if (jObject["rokuCustomer"].ToString().Length > 0)
  145. {
  146. mid.rokuCustomer = GetRokuInfo(jObject["rokuCustomer"].ToString());
  147. }
  148. //如果订单是整机订单
  149. mid.keytype = new Dictionary<string, string>();
  150. if ( mid.isSmt.Equals("0") )
  151. {// 整机;
  152. foreach (var ss in jObject["obj"]) //查找某个字段与值
  153. {
  154. mid.keytype.Add(ss["name"].Value<string>(), ss["type"].Value<string>());
  155. }
  156. }
  157. else
  158. {// 整机+板卡;
  159. if ( Main.Is_Smt == "1" )
  160. {
  161. foreach (var ss in jObject["obj_smt"]) //查找isSmt某个字段与值
  162. {
  163. mid.keytype.Add(ss["name"].Value<string>(), ss["type"].Value<string>());
  164. }
  165. }
  166. else
  167. {
  168. foreach (var ss in jObject["obj"]) //查找某个字段与值
  169. {
  170. mid.keytype.Add(ss["name"].Value<string>(), ss["type"].Value<string>());
  171. }
  172. }
  173. }
  174. if (mid.code == "1000")
  175. {
  176. midList = mid;
  177. return true;
  178. }
  179. }
  180. catch (Exception ex)
  181. {
  182. Log.WriteErrorLog("\r\nFail to parse MID info," + ex.Message + ":" + ParseText + "\r\nAddress:" + url_getMessage + "\r\nPostdata:" + postData);
  183. CommonMethod.ReportErrormsg("Fail to parse MID info", ex.Message + ":" + ParseText + "\r\nAddress:" + url_getMessage + "\r\nPostdata:" + postData, sqliteConn);
  184. MessageBox.Show("Fail to parse MID info\r\n " + ex.Message);
  185. }
  186. return false;
  187. }
  188. public static bool GetMidKey(string url, string sn, string order, string psn, string firetv_device_code, List<KeyType> key2Write, SQLiteConnection connection, ref KeyInfo keys, out string msg)
  189. {
  190. msg = "";
  191. string code;
  192. bool result = false;
  193. HttpHelper http = new HttpHelper();
  194. HttpItem item = new HttpItem()
  195. {
  196. Encoding = Encoding.UTF8,
  197. Method = "post",
  198. ContentType = "application/json",
  199. KeepAlive = false
  200. };
  201. // 计算函数耗时;
  202. Stopwatch watch = new Stopwatch();
  203. watch.Start();
  204. item.URL = url + "/bind/order";
  205. item.Postdata = string.Format("{{\"orderNum\":\"{0}\",\"sn\":\"{1}\",\"psn\":\"{2}\",\"orderCode\":\"{3}\",\"clientType\":\"{4}\",\"isSmt\":\"{5}\",\"skipKey\":{6}}}", order, sn, psn, firetv_device_code, midList.clienttype,
  206. midList.isSmt.Equals("0") ? "0" : Main.Is_Smt , key2Write == null ? "[]" : JsonConvert.SerializeObject(key2Write).ToString());
  207. HttpResult httpResult = http.GetHtml(item);
  208. if (httpResult.StatusCode == System.Net.HttpStatusCode.OK)
  209. {
  210. try
  211. {
  212. JObject jObject = JObject.Parse(httpResult.Html);
  213. msg = CommonMethod.JSON_SeleteNode(jObject, "msg");
  214. code = CommonMethod.JSON_SeleteNode(jObject, "code");
  215. if (code == "0")
  216. {
  217. //需要解密
  218. if (midList != null && midList.aesEncrypt)
  219. {
  220. AES_DES Aes = new AES_DES();
  221. //data解密
  222. string plainText = CommonMethod.JSON_SeleteNode(jObject, "data");
  223. string key = AES_DES.AESKey;
  224. byte[] IV = AES_DES.AESIV;
  225. string str = AES_DES.DecryptStringFromBytes_Aes(plainText, key, IV);
  226. Log.WriteInfoLog("解密后:" + str);
  227. jObject["data"] = str;
  228. }
  229. Dictionary<string, string> data = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<Dictionary<string, string>>(jObject["data"].ToString());
  230. if (data != null)
  231. {
  232. Func<string, string, bool> CheckMD5 = (data, md5) =>
  233. {
  234. if (data == null)
  235. return true;
  236. if (!GetMD5.GetStrMd5(data).Equals(md5, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
  237. return false;
  238. return true;
  239. };
  240. if (data.ContainsKey("mac") && data.ContainsKey("mac_md5"))
  241. {
  242. keys.Mac.data = data["mac"];
  243. keys.Mac.md5 = data["mac_md5"];
  244. if (!CheckMD5(keys.Mac.data, keys.Mac.md5))
  245. {
  246. msg = string.Format("Mac Key Value md5 Is Incorrect: data={0}, md5={1}", keys.Mac.data, keys.Mac.md5);
  247. goto end;
  248. }
  249. }
  250. if (data.ContainsKey("btMac") && data.ContainsKey("btMac_md5"))
  251. {
  252. keys.BT_MAC.data = data["btMac"];
  253. keys.BT_MAC.md5 = data["btMac_md5"];
  254. if (!CheckMD5(keys.BT_MAC.data, keys.BT_MAC.md5))
  255. {
  256. msg = string.Format("BT_MAC Key Value md5 Is Incorrect: data={0}, md5={1}", keys.BT_MAC.data, keys.BT_MAC.md5);
  257. goto end;
  258. }
  259. }
  260. if (data.ContainsKey("wifiMac") && data.ContainsKey("wifiMac_md5"))
  261. {
  262. keys.WiFi_MAC.data = data["wifiMac"];
  263. keys.WiFi_MAC.md5 = data["wifiMac_md5"];
  264. if (!CheckMD5(keys.WiFi_MAC.data, keys.WiFi_MAC.md5))
  265. {
  266. msg = string.Format("WiFi_MAC Key Value md5 Is Incorrect: data={0}, md5={1}", keys.WiFi_MAC.data, keys.WiFi_MAC.md5);
  267. goto end;
  268. }
  269. }
  270. if (data.ContainsKey("deviceid") && data.ContainsKey("deviceid_md5"))
  271. {
  272. keys.DID.data = data["deviceid"];
  273. keys.DID.md5 = data["deviceid_md5"];
  274. if (!CheckMD5(keys.DID.data, keys.DID.md5))
  275. {
  276. msg = string.Format("DID Key Value md5 Is Incorrect: data={0}, md5={1}", keys.DID.data, keys.DID.md5);
  277. goto end;
  278. }
  279. }
  280. if (data.ContainsKey("hdcp") && data.ContainsKey("hdcp_md5"))
  281. {
  282. keys.HDCP.data = data["hdcp"];
  283. keys.HDCP.md5 = data["hdcp_md5"];
  284. if (!CheckMD5(keys.HDCP.data, keys.HDCP.md5))
  285. {
  286. msg = string.Format("HDCP Key Value md5 Is Incorrect: data={0}, md5={1}", keys.HDCP.data, keys.HDCP.md5);
  287. goto end;
  288. }
  289. }
  290. if (data.ContainsKey("hdcp2") && data.ContainsKey("hdcp2_md5"))
  291. {
  292. keys.HDCP22.data = data["hdcp2"];
  293. keys.HDCP22.md5 = data["hdcp2_md5"];
  294. if (!CheckMD5(keys.HDCP22.data, keys.HDCP22.md5))
  295. {
  296. msg = string.Format("HDCP22 Key Value md5 Is Incorrect: data={0}, md5={1}", keys.HDCP22.data, keys.HDCP22.md5);
  297. goto end;
  298. }
  299. }
  300. if (data.ContainsKey("ci") && data.ContainsKey("ci_md5"))
  301. {
  302. keys.CI_plus.data = data["ci"];
  303. keys.CI_plus.md5 = data["ci_md5"];
  304. if (!CheckMD5(keys.CI_plus.data, keys.CI_plus.md5))
  305. {
  306. msg = string.Format("CI_plus Key Value md5 Is Incorrect: data={0}, md5={1}", keys.CI_plus.data, keys.CI_plus.md5);
  307. goto end;
  308. }
  309. }
  310. if (data.ContainsKey("ecp") && data.ContainsKey("ecp_md5"))
  311. {
  312. keys.ECP.data = data["ecp"];
  313. keys.ECP.md5 = data["ecp_md5"];
  314. if (!CheckMD5(keys.ECP.data, keys.ECP.md5))
  315. {
  316. msg = string.Format("ECP Key Value md5 Is Incorrect: data={0}, md5={1}", keys.ECP.data, keys.ECP.md5);
  317. goto end;
  318. }
  319. }
  320. if (data.ContainsKey("acas") && data.ContainsKey("acas_md5"))
  321. {
  322. keys.ACASKey_Data.data = data["acas"];
  323. keys.ACASKey_Data.md5 = data["acas_md5"];
  324. if (!CheckMD5(keys.ACASKey_Data.data, keys.ACASKey_Data.md5))
  325. {
  326. msg = string.Format("ACASKey_Data Key Value md5 Is Incorrect: data={0}, md5={1}", keys.ACASKey_Data.data, keys.ACASKey_Data.md5);
  327. goto end;
  328. }
  329. }
  330. if (data.ContainsKey("lek") && data.ContainsKey("lek_md5"))
  331. {
  332. keys.LEK.data = data["lek"];
  333. keys.LEK.md5 = data["lek_md5"];
  334. if (!CheckMD5(keys.LEK.data, keys.LEK.md5))
  335. {
  336. msg = string.Format("LEK Key Value md5 Is Incorrect: data={0}, md5={1}", keys.LEK.data, keys.LEK.md5);
  337. goto end;
  338. }
  339. }
  340. if (data.ContainsKey("pek") && data.ContainsKey("pek_md5"))
  341. {
  342. keys.PEK.data = data["pek"];
  343. keys.PEK.md5 = data["pek_md5"];
  344. if (!CheckMD5(keys.PEK.data, keys.PEK.md5))
  345. {
  346. msg = string.Format("PEK Key Value md5 Is Incorrect: data={0}, md5={1}", keys.PEK.data, keys.PEK.md5);
  347. goto end;
  348. }
  349. }
  350. if (data.ContainsKey("playready") && data.ContainsKey("playready_md5"))
  351. {
  352. keys.Playready.data = data["playready"];
  353. keys.Playready.md5 = data["playready_md5"];
  354. if (!CheckMD5(keys.Playready.data, keys.Playready.md5))
  355. {
  356. msg = string.Format("Playready Key Value md5 Is Incorrect: data={0}, md5={1}", keys.Playready.data, keys.Playready.md5);
  357. goto end;
  358. }
  359. }
  360. if (data.ContainsKey("netfilx") && data.ContainsKey("netfilx_md5"))
  361. {
  362. keys.ESN.data = data["netfilx"];
  363. keys.ESN.md5 = data["netfilx_md5"];
  364. if (!CheckMD5(keys.ESN.data, keys.ESN.md5))
  365. {
  366. msg = string.Format("ESN Key Value md5 Is Incorrect: data={0}, md5={1}", keys.ESN.data, keys.ESN.md5);
  367. goto end;
  368. }
  369. }
  370. if (data.ContainsKey("hash") && data.ContainsKey("hash_md5"))
  371. {
  372. keys.Hashkey.data = data["hash"];
  373. keys.Hashkey.md5 = data["hash_md5"];
  374. if (!CheckMD5(keys.Hashkey.data, keys.Hashkey.md5))
  375. {
  376. msg = string.Format("Hashkey Key Value md5 Is Incorrect: data={0}, md5={1}", keys.Hashkey.data, keys.Hashkey.md5);
  377. goto end;
  378. }
  379. }
  380. if (data.ContainsKey("mgk") && data.ContainsKey("mgk_md5"))
  381. {
  382. keys.MGK.data = data["mgk"];
  383. keys.MGK.md5 = data["mgk_md5"];
  384. if (!CheckMD5(keys.MGK.data, keys.MGK.md5))
  385. {
  386. msg = string.Format("MGK Key Value md5 Is Incorrect: data={0}, md5={1}", keys.MGK.data, keys.MGK.md5);
  387. goto end;
  388. }
  389. }
  390. if (data.ContainsKey("youtube") && data.ContainsKey("youtube_md5"))
  391. {
  392. keys.YouTube_KEY.data = data["youtube"];
  393. keys.YouTube_KEY.md5 = data["youtube_md5"];
  394. if (!CheckMD5(keys.YouTube_KEY.data, keys.YouTube_KEY.md5))
  395. {
  396. msg = string.Format("YouTube_KEY Key Value md5 Is Incorrect: data={0}, md5={1}", keys.YouTube_KEY.data, keys.YouTube_KEY.md5);
  397. goto end;
  398. }
  399. }
  400. if (data.ContainsKey("fairplay") && data.ContainsKey("fairplay_md5"))
  401. {
  402. keys.Fairplay.data = data["fairplay"];
  403. keys.Fairplay.md5 = data["fairplay_md5"];
  404. if (!CheckMD5(keys.Fairplay.data, keys.Fairplay.md5))
  405. {
  406. msg = string.Format("Fairplay Key Value md5 Is Incorrect: data={0}, md5={1}", keys.Fairplay.data, keys.Fairplay.md5);
  407. goto end;
  408. }
  409. }
  410. if (data.ContainsKey("widevine") && data.ContainsKey("widevine_md5"))
  411. {
  412. keys.Widevine.data = data["widevine"];
  413. keys.Widevine.md5 = data["widevine_md5"];
  414. if (!CheckMD5(keys.Widevine.data, keys.Widevine.md5))
  415. {
  416. msg = string.Format("Widevine Key Value md5 Is Incorrect: data={0}, md5={1}", keys.Widevine.data, keys.Widevine.md5);
  417. goto end;
  418. }
  419. }
  420. if (data.ContainsKey("attention") && data.ContainsKey("attention_md5"))
  421. {
  422. keys.Attestation.data = data["attention"];
  423. keys.Attestation.md5 = data["attention_md5"];
  424. if (!CheckMD5(keys.Attestation.data, keys.Attestation.md5))
  425. {
  426. msg = string.Format("Attestation Key Value md5 Is Incorrect: data={0}, md5={1}", keys.Attestation.data, keys.Attestation.md5);
  427. goto end;
  428. }
  429. }
  430. if (data.ContainsKey("dsn") && data.ContainsKey("dsn_md5"))
  431. {
  432. keys.DSN.data = data["dsn"];
  433. keys.DSN.md5 = data["dsn_md5"];
  434. if (!CheckMD5(keys.DSN.data, keys.DSN.md5))
  435. {
  436. msg = string.Format("DSN Key Value md5 Is Incorrect: data={0}, md5={1}", keys.DSN.data, keys.DSN.md5);
  437. goto end;
  438. }
  439. }
  440. if (data.ContainsKey("dak") && data.ContainsKey("dak_md5"))
  441. {
  442. keys.DAK.data = data["dak"];
  443. keys.DAK.md5 = data["dak_md5"];
  444. if (!CheckMD5(keys.DAK.data, keys.DAK.md5))
  445. {
  446. msg = string.Format("DAK Key Value md5 Is Incorrect: data={0}, md5={1}", keys.DAK.data, keys.DAK.md5);
  447. goto end;
  448. }
  449. }
  450. if (data.ContainsKey("kfp") && data.ContainsKey("kfp_md5"))
  451. {
  452. keys.KFP.data = data["kfp"];
  453. keys.KFP.md5 = data["kfp_md5"];
  454. if (!CheckMD5(keys.KFP.data, keys.KFP.md5))
  455. {
  456. msg = string.Format("KFP Key Value md5 Is Incorrect: data={0}, md5={1}", keys.KFP.data, keys.KFP.md5);
  457. goto end;
  458. }
  459. }
  460. //
  461. if (data.ContainsKey("rmca") && data.ContainsKey("rmca_md5"))
  462. {
  463. keys.RMCA.data = data["rmca"];
  464. keys.RMCA.md5 = data["rmca_md5"];
  465. if (!CheckMD5(keys.RMCA.data, keys.RMCA.md5))
  466. {
  467. msg = string.Format("RMCA Key Value md5 Is Incorrect: data={0}, md5={1}", keys.RMCA.data, keys.RMCA.md5);
  468. goto end;
  469. }
  470. }
  471. result = true;
  472. }
  473. }
  474. }
  475. catch(Exception ex)
  476. {
  477. msg = ex.Message;
  478. }
  479. }
  480. end:
  481. watch.Stop();
  482. Log.WriteInfoLog(string.Format("[GetIDMKeys] order={0},sn={1},Elapsed={2} GetKeys={3}", order, sn, watch.Elapsed.TotalMilliseconds, result ? "成功" : "失败"));
  483. if (!result)
  484. CommonMethod.ReportErrormsg("Fail to GetIDMKeys ", msg + "\r\n" + item.URL + "\r\n" + item.Postdata + "\r\n" + httpResult.Html, connection);
  485. return result;
  486. }
  487. public static string GetReportJson(string order, string sn, bool isNodid, string clientType, string swVer, string pid, ref KeyInfo keyinfo, bool bMIEnable, ref MIKey mIKey)
  488. {
  489. Func<string, string, JObject, bool> AddJsonItem = (name, value, jobj) =>
  490. {
  491. if (name == null || name.Length == 0)
  492. return false;
  493. if (value == null || value.Length == 0)
  494. return false;
  495. if (jobj == null)
  496. return false;
  497. jobj.Add(name, (JToken)value);
  498. return true;
  499. };
  500. Func<KeyData, JObject, bool> AddKeyJson = (keydata, jobj) =>
  501. {
  502. if (keydata == null || jobj == null || keydata.data == null)
  503. return false;
  504. if (keydata.keyfrom == KEY_FROM.FROM_IDM && keydata.enable)
  505. {
  506. jobj.Add(keydata.name, (JToken)keydata.data);
  507. }
  508. return true;
  509. };
  510. Func<KeyData, JObject, string, bool> AddKeyJson2 = (keydata, jobj, name) =>
  511. {
  512. if (keydata == null || jobj == null || keydata.data == null)
  513. return false;
  514. if (keydata.keyfrom == KEY_FROM.FROM_IDM && keydata.enable)
  515. {
  516. jobj.Add(name, (JToken)keydata.data);
  517. }
  518. return true;
  519. };
  520. try
  521. {
  522. JObject postJson = new JObject();
  523. AddJsonItem("ordernum", order, postJson);
  524. AddJsonItem("sn", sn, postJson);
  525. AddJsonItem("nodid", isNodid.ToString().ToLower(), postJson);
  526. AddJsonItem("toolVersion", System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetName().Version.ToString(), postJson);
  527. AddJsonItem("clienttype", clientType, postJson);
  528. AddJsonItem("sversionid", swVer, postJson);
  529. AddJsonItem("projectid", pid, postJson);
  530. //上报时增加smtpsn 字段
  531. //读取PSN
  532. AddJsonItem("smtPsn",OperationPanel.smtPsn,postJson);
  533. if (keyinfo != null)
  534. {
  535. AddKeyJson2(keyinfo.DID, postJson, "deviceid");
  536. if ( !bMIEnable || (mIKey != null && mIKey.EthernetMac == null))
  537. AddKeyJson2(keyinfo.Mac, postJson, "mac");
  538. AddKeyJson2(keyinfo.HDCP, postJson, "hdcpkey");
  539. AddKeyJson2(keyinfo.HDCP22, postJson, "hdcpkey2");
  540. AddKeyJson2(keyinfo.ESN, postJson, "netfilxesn");
  541. AddKeyJson2(keyinfo.Widevine, postJson, "widevine");
  542. AddKeyJson2(keyinfo.CI_plus, postJson, "cikey");
  543. AddKeyJson2(keyinfo.Attestation, postJson, "attestation");
  544. AddKeyJson2(keyinfo.MGK, postJson, "mgk");
  545. AddKeyJson2(keyinfo.Fairplay, postJson, "fairplay");
  546. if (!bMIEnable || ( mIKey != null && mIKey.DSN == null))
  547. AddKeyJson2(keyinfo.DSN, postJson, "dsn");
  548. if (!bMIEnable || (mIKey != null && mIKey.WIFIMAC == null))
  549. AddKeyJson2(keyinfo.WiFi_MAC, postJson, "wifimac");
  550. if (!bMIEnable || (mIKey != null && mIKey.BTMac == null))
  551. AddKeyJson2(keyinfo.BT_MAC, postJson, "btmac");
  552. AddKeyJson2(keyinfo.LEK, postJson, "lek");
  553. AddKeyJson2(keyinfo.PEK, postJson, "pek");
  554. AddKeyJson2(keyinfo.Playready, postJson, "playready");
  555. AddKeyJson2(keyinfo.Hashkey, postJson, "hash");
  556. AddKeyJson2(keyinfo.ECP, postJson, "ecp");
  557. AddKeyJson2(keyinfo.YouTube_KEY, postJson, "youtubekey");
  558. AddKeyJson2(keyinfo.ACASKey_Data, postJson, "acas_data");
  559. AddKeyJson2(keyinfo.DAK, postJson, "dak");
  560. AddKeyJson2(keyinfo.KFP, postJson, "kfp");
  561. AddKeyJson2(keyinfo.RMCA, postJson, "rmca");
  562. }
  563. string postData = postJson.ToString();
  564. //需要加密上报的话
  565. if (midList != null && midList.aesEncrypt)
  566. {
  567. AES_DES AES_DES = new AES_DES();
  568. string key = AES_DES.AESKey;
  569. byte[] IV = AES_DES.AESIV;
  570. postData = AES_DES.EncryptStringToBytes_Aes(postData, key, IV);
  571. //json
  572. string Data = string.Format("{{\"reportData\":\"{0}\"}}", postData);
  573. JObject jo = JObject.Parse(Data);
  574. postData = jo.ToString();
  575. }
  576. return postData;
  577. }
  578. catch (Exception ex)
  579. {
  580. Log.WriteErrorLog("\r\nFail to GetReportJson," + ex.Message + ":" + "\r\nOrder:" + order + "\r\nSN:" + sn);
  581. }
  582. return "";
  583. }
  584. /// <summary>
  585. /// 在线抄写完成上报 Key
  586. /// </summary>
  587. /// <param name="url"></param>
  588. /// <param name="order"></param>
  589. /// <param name="sn"></param>
  590. /// <param name="isNodid"></param>
  591. /// <param name="keyinfo"></param>
  592. /// <param name="sqliteConn"></param>
  593. /// <param name="msg"></param>
  594. /// <returns></returns>
  595. public static bool ReportOnlineData(string url, string order, string postData, SQLiteConnection sqliteConn, bool repeatupload, string id, int timeout, bool background = false)
  596. {
  597. if ( background )
  598. {
  599. return SQLiteHelper.AddReportOnlineData(sqliteConn, url + "/reportData/report", postData);
  600. }
  601. if (timeout < 5000)
  602. timeout = 5000;
  603. HttpHelper http = new HttpHelper();
  604. HttpItem item = new HttpItem()
  605. {
  606. Encoding = Encoding.UTF8,//编码格式(utf-8,gb2312,gbk)可选项 默认类会自动识别//Encoding = Encoding.Default,
  607. Method = "post",
  608. Postdata = postData,
  609. PostEncoding = Encoding.UTF8,
  610. Timeout = timeout,
  611. KeepAlive = false
  612. };
  613. item.URL = url + "/reportData/report";
  614. item.ContentType = "application/json;charset=utf-8";
  615. Stopwatch stopwatch = new Stopwatch();
  616. stopwatch.Start();
  617. HttpResult result = http.GetHtml(item);
  618. stopwatch.Stop();
  619. string usingtime = stopwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds.ToString();
  620. stopwatch.Reset();
  621. string ParseText = result.Html;
  622. if (result.StatusCode == System.Net.HttpStatusCode.OK)
  623. {
  624. Log.WriteGetKeyLog("\r\nReportOnlineData info\r\nUsing time:" + usingtime + "ms\r\n" + ParseText + "\r\nAddress:" + url + "\r\nPostdata:" + item.Postdata);
  625. try
  626. {
  627. JObject jObject = JObject.Parse(ParseText);
  628. string msg = jObject["msg"].Value<string>();
  629. string code = jObject["code"].Value<string>();
  630. if (code == "0")
  631. return true;
  632. }
  633. catch (Exception ex)
  634. {
  635. Log.WriteErrorLog("\r\nFail to ReportOnlineData," + ex.Message + ":" + ParseText + "\r\nAddress:" + url + "\r\nPostdata:" + item.Postdata);
  636. CommonMethod.ReportErrormsg("Fail to ReportOnlineData", ex.Message + ":" + ParseText + "\r\nAddress:" + url + "\r\nPostdata:" + item.Postdata, sqliteConn);
  637. }
  638. if (repeatupload)
  639. {// 删除记录;
  640. SQLiteHelper.DeleteDelayCopyReport(sqliteConn, id);
  641. }
  642. }
  643. else
  644. {
  645. Log.WriteErrorLog("\r\nFail to ReportOnlineData:" + result.StatusDescription + result.Html + "\r\nAddress:" + url + "\r\nPostdata:" + item.Postdata);
  646. CommonMethod.ReportErrormsg("Fail to ReportOnlineData", result.StatusDescription + result.Html + "\r\nAddress:" + url + "\r\nPostdata:" + item.Postdata, sqliteConn);
  647. }
  648. return false;
  649. }
  650. public static bool ReportOnlineDataSQL(string url, string postData, int timeout)
  651. {
  652. if (timeout < 5000)
  653. timeout = 5000;
  654. HttpHelper http = new HttpHelper();
  655. HttpItem item = new HttpItem()
  656. {
  657. Encoding = Encoding.UTF8,//编码格式(utf-8,gb2312,gbk)可选项 默认类会自动识别//Encoding = Encoding.Default,
  658. Method = "post",
  659. Postdata = postData,
  660. PostEncoding = Encoding.UTF8,
  661. Timeout = timeout,
  662. KeepAlive = false
  663. };
  664. item.URL = url;
  665. item.ContentType = "application/json;charset=utf-8";
  666. HttpResult result = http.GetHtml(item);
  667. string ParseText = result.Html;
  668. if (result.StatusCode == System.Net.HttpStatusCode.OK)
  669. {
  670. Log.WriteGetKeyLog("\r\nReportOnlineDataSQL info\r\n" + ParseText + "\r\nAddress:" + url + "\r\nPostdata:" + item.Postdata);
  671. try
  672. {
  673. JObject jObject = JObject.Parse(ParseText);
  674. string msg = jObject["msg"].Value<string>();
  675. string code = jObject["code"].Value<string>();
  676. if (code == "0")
  677. return true;
  678. }
  679. catch (Exception ex)
  680. {
  681. Log.WriteErrorLog("\r\nFail to ReportOnlineDataSQL," + ex.Message + ":" + ParseText + "\r\nAddress:" + url + "\r\nPostdata:" + item.Postdata);
  682. }
  683. }
  684. else
  685. {
  686. Log.WriteErrorLog("\r\nFail to ReportOnlineDataSQL:" + result.StatusDescription + result.Html + "\r\nAddress:" + url + "\r\nPostdata:" + item.Postdata);
  687. }
  688. return false;
  689. }
  690. //reportData/reportList
  691. /// <summary>
  692. /// 离线抄写上报
  693. /// </summary>
  694. /// <param name="url"></param>
  695. /// <param name="copydate"></param>
  696. /// <param name="SN"></param>
  697. /// <param name="localDBNow"></param>
  698. /// <param name="sqliteConn"></param>
  699. /// <param name="repeatupload"></param>
  700. /// <param name="id"></param>
  701. /// <param name="timeout"></param>
  702. /// <returns></returns>
  703. public static bool ReportOfflineData(string url, string copydate, string SN, SQLiteConnection localDBNow, SQLiteConnection sqliteConn, bool repeatupload, string id)
  704. {
  705. HttpHelper http = new HttpHelper();
  706. HttpItem item = new HttpItem()
  707. {
  708. Encoding = Encoding.UTF8,
  709. Method = "post",
  710. Postdata = string.Format("{{\"sn\":\"{0}\",\"date\":\"{1}\"}}", SN, copydate),
  711. PostEncoding = Encoding.UTF8,
  712. KeepAlive = false
  713. };
  714. item.URL = url + "/reportData/reportList";
  715. item.ContentType = "application/json;charset=utf-8";
  716. System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch stopwatch = new System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch();
  717. stopwatch.Start();
  718. HttpResult result = http.GetHtml(item);
  719. stopwatch.Stop();
  720. string usingtime = stopwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds.ToString();
  721. stopwatch.Reset();
  722. string ParseText = result.Html;
  723. if (result.StatusCode == System.Net.HttpStatusCode.OK)
  724. {
  725. Log.WriteGetKeyLog("\r\nReportOfflineData info\r\nUsing time:" + usingtime + "ms\r\n" + ParseText + "\r\nAddress:" + url + "\r\nPostdata:" + item.Postdata);
  726. }
  727. else
  728. {
  729. Log.WriteErrorLog("\r\nFail to ReportOfflineData:" + result.StatusDescription + result.Html + "\r\nAddress:" + url + "\r\nPostdata:" + item.Postdata);
  730. CommonMethod.ReportErrormsg("Fail to ReportOfflineData", result.StatusDescription + result.Html + "\r\nAddress:" + url + "\r\nPostdata:" + item.Postdata, sqliteConn);
  731. if (repeatupload)
  732. return false;
  733. return false;
  734. }
  735. try
  736. {
  737. JObject jObject = JObject.Parse(ParseText);
  738. string msg = jObject["msg"].Value<string>();
  739. string code = jObject["code"].Value<string>();
  740. if (code == "0")
  741. {
  742. //更新上报内容
  743. if (SQLiteHelper.UpdateReportStatus(localDBNow, SN))
  744. {
  745. //更新成功
  746. Log.WriteGetKeyLog("\r\nUpdateReportStatus success:\r\n" + url + "/reportlist.do?\r\n" + "sn=" + SN + "\r\ndate=" + copydate + "\r\n" + ParseText);
  747. return true;
  748. }
  749. else
  750. {
  751. Log.WriteErrorLog("\r\nFail to UpdateReportStatus: " + SN);
  752. return false;
  753. }
  754. }
  755. else
  756. {
  757. CommonMethod.ReportErrormsg("Fail to UploadPreloadCopyResult", "Address: " + url + "/reportlist.do?" + "\r\nPostdata: " + "sn=" + SN + "\r\ndate=" + copydate + "\r\n" + ParseText, sqliteConn);
  758. Log.WriteErrorLog("\r\nUpdateReportStatus code return error,should be 1000 " + "\r\n" + SN + ":" + ParseText + "\r\nAddress:" + url + "/reportlist.do?" + "\r\nPostdata: " + "sn=" + SN + "\r\ndate=" + copydate);
  759. if (repeatupload)
  760. {
  761. SQLiteHelper.DeleteDelayCopyReport(sqliteConn, id);
  762. }
  763. }
  764. }
  765. catch (Exception ex)
  766. {
  767. Log.WriteErrorLog("\r\nFail to ReportOfflineData," + ex.Message + ":" + ParseText + "\r\nAddress:" + url + "\r\nPostdata:" + item.Postdata);
  768. CommonMethod.ReportErrormsg("Fail to ReportOfflineData", ex.Message + ":" + ParseText + "\r\nAddress:" + url + "\r\nPostdata:" + item.Postdata, sqliteConn);
  769. }
  770. return false;
  771. }
  772. public static bool GetOfflineData(string url, string order, SQLiteConnection sqliteConn, out List<MidAddress> midAddressList)
  773. {
  774. midAddressList = new List<MidAddress>();
  775. HttpHelper http = new HttpHelper();
  776. HttpItem item = new HttpItem()
  777. {
  778. Encoding = Encoding.UTF8,
  779. Method = "post",
  780. Postdata = string.Format("{{\"ordernum\":\"{0}\",\"mac\":\"{1}\"}}", order, TestMode.MAC),
  781. KeepAlive = false
  782. };
  783. item.URL = url + "/offline/getofflinelist";
  784. item.ContentType = "application/json;charset=utf-8";
  785. HttpResult result = http.GetHtml(item);
  786. string ParseText = result.Html;
  787. if (result.StatusCode == System.Net.HttpStatusCode.OK)
  788. {
  789. }
  790. else
  791. {
  792. Log.WriteErrorLog("\r\nFail to GetOfflineData:" + result.StatusDescription + "\r\n" + result.Html + "\r\nAddress:" + item.URL + "\r\nPostdata:" + item.Postdata);
  793. CommonMethod.ReportErrormsg("Fail to GetOfflineData", result.StatusDescription + "\r\n" + result.Html + "\r\nAddress:" + item.URL + "\r\nPostdata:" + item.Postdata, sqliteConn);
  794. return false;
  795. }
  796. try
  797. {
  798. JObject jObject = JObject.Parse(ParseText);
  799. if (jObject["data"] != null)
  800. {
  801. foreach (var data in jObject["data"])
  802. {
  803. midAddressList.Add(new MidAddress()
  804. {
  805. des = CommonMethod.JSON_SeleteNode(jObject, "des"),
  806. code = CommonMethod.JSON_SeleteNode(jObject, "code"),
  807. order = data["order_number"].ToObject<string>(),
  808. number = data["order_quantity"].ToObject<string>(),
  809. pid = data["project_id"].ToObject<string>(),
  810. ctype = data["client_type"].ToObject<string>(),
  811. purl = data["packet_url"].ToObject<string>(),
  812. psize = data["packet_size"].ToObject<string>(),
  813. pmd5 = data["packet_md5"].ToObject<string>(),
  814. version = data["soft_version"].ToObject<string>(),
  815. host = url
  816. });
  817. }
  818. Log.WriteGetKeyLog("\r\nGet GetOfflineData success:" + "\r\n" + result.Html + "\r\nAddress:" + item.URL + "\r\nPostdata:" + item.Postdata);
  819. return true;
  820. }
  821. Log.WriteErrorLog("\r\nFail to GetOfflineData," + ParseText + "\r\nAddress:" + item.URL + "\r\nPostdata:" + item.Postdata);
  822. }
  823. catch (Exception ex)
  824. {
  825. Log.WriteErrorLog("\r\nFail to GetOfflineData," + ex.Message + ":" + ParseText + "\r\nAddress:" + item.URL + "\r\nPostdata:" + item.Postdata);
  826. CommonMethod.ReportErrormsg("Fail to GetOfflineData", ex.Message + "\r\n" + ParseText + "\r\nAddress:" + item.URL + "\r\nPostdata:" + item.Postdata, sqliteConn);
  827. MessageBox.Show("Fail to GetOfflineData info\r\n " + ex.Message);
  828. return false;
  829. }
  830. return false;
  831. }
  832. public static bool ReportDownloadStatus(string url, string order, SQLiteConnection sqliteConn)
  833. {
  834. HttpHelper http = new HttpHelper();
  835. HttpItem item = new HttpItem()
  836. {
  837. Encoding = null,
  838. Method = "post",
  839. Postdata = string.Format("{{\"ordernum\":\"{0}\"}}", order),
  840. KeepAlive = false
  841. };
  842. item.URL = url += "/offline/getreportofflinesn";
  843. item.ContentType = "application/json;charset=utf-8";
  844. HttpResult result = http.GetHtml(item);
  845. string ParseText = result.Html;
  846. if (result.StatusCode != System.Net.HttpStatusCode.OK)
  847. {
  848. Log.WriteErrorLog("\r\nFail to report download status:" + result.StatusDescription + result.Html + "\r\nAddress:" + url + "/offline/getreportofflinesn" + "\r\nPostdata:" + ("ordernum=" + order));
  849. CommonMethod.ReportErrormsg("Fail to report download status", result.StatusDescription + result.Html + "\r\nAddress:" + url + "/offline/getreportofflinesn" + "\r\nPostdata:" + ("ordernum=" + order), sqliteConn);
  850. return false;
  851. }
  852. try
  853. {
  854. JObject jObject = JObject.Parse(ParseText);
  855. string msg = CommonMethod.JSON_SeleteNode(jObject, "msg");
  856. string code = CommonMethod.JSON_SeleteNode(jObject, "code");
  857. if (code != "0")
  858. {
  859. Log.WriteErrorLog("\r\nError report download status,should be 1000:" + result.StatusDescription + result.Html + "\r\nAddress:" + url + "/offline/getreportofflinesn" + "\r\nPostdata:" + ("ordernum=" + order));
  860. CommonMethod.ReportErrormsg("Error download status code return", result.StatusDescription + result.Html + "\r\nAddress:" + url + "/offline/getreportofflinesn" + "\r\nPostdata:" + ("ordernum=" + order), sqliteConn);
  861. return false;
  862. }
  863. }
  864. catch (Exception ex)
  865. {
  866. MessageBox.Show(ex.Message);
  867. Log.WriteErrorLog("\r\n" + ex.Message + ":" + result.StatusDescription + result.Html + "\r\nAddress:" + url + "/offline/getreportofflinesn" + "\r\nPostdata:" + ("ordernum=" + order));
  868. CommonMethod.ReportErrormsg("Error parse download status return", result.StatusDescription + result.Html + "\r\nAddress:" + url + "/offline/getreportofflinesn" + "\r\nPostdata:" + ("ordernum=" + order), sqliteConn);
  869. return false;
  870. }
  871. return true;
  872. }
  873. //北美项目,不抄从idm上获取的DSN,用smse上的
  874. public static bool GetDSNFromSmes(string SN, out string DSN)
  875. {
  876. //如果是墨西哥
  877. if (CommonMethod.GetLoginAccout().Equals("Mexico", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
  878. {
  879. url_getDSNFromSmes = "http://SMES.TMSA.MX:9006/api/xm/GetXMTVParts?TVSN=";
  880. }
  881. string msg;
  882. DSN = "";
  883. HttpHelper http = new HttpHelper();
  884. HttpItem item = new HttpItem()
  885. {
  886. Encoding = Encoding.UTF8,
  887. Method = "post",
  888. ContentType = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded",
  889. KeepAlive = false
  890. };
  891. item.URL = url_getDSNFromSmes + SN;
  892. HttpResult hResult = http.GetHtml(item);
  893. if (hResult.StatusCode == System.Net.HttpStatusCode.OK)
  894. {
  895. try
  896. {
  897. using (JsonTextReader reader = new JsonTextReader(new StringReader(hResult.Html)))
  898. {
  899. JObject jObject = (JObject)JToken.ReadFrom(reader);
  900. reader.Close();
  901. foreach (var ss in jObject["Tvparts"]) //查找某个字段与值
  902. {
  903. //如果里面的TypeCode为MA(主板),读出他的PSN
  904. if (ss["PartTypeCode"].Value<string>().Equals("DSN-T", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
  905. {
  906. DSN = ss["PartSN"].Value<string>();
  907. break;
  908. }
  909. }
  910. if (DSN == "" || DSN == null)
  911. {
  912. Log.WriteInfoLog("Detail message:" + SN+"\r\n" + item.URL + "\r\n"+hResult.Html);
  913. return false;
  914. }
  915. Log.WriteInfoLog("PartSN" + DSN);
  916. return true;
  917. }
  918. }
  919. catch (Exception e)
  920. {
  921. msg = e.Message;
  922. Log.WriteErrorLog("IsCuringBOM Json-error:" + hResult.StatusDescription + "\r\n" + hResult.Html + "\r\nAddress: " + item.URL + "\r\nPostdata: " + item.Postdata);
  923. }
  924. }
  925. else
  926. {
  927. msg = hResult.StatusDescription;
  928. Log.WriteInfoLog("IsCuringBOM Http-error:" + hResult.StatusDescription + "\r\n" + hResult.Html + "\r\nAddress: " + item.URL + "\r\nPostdata: " + item.Postdata);
  929. }
  930. return false;
  931. }
  932. };
  933. };