.gitignore 2.0 KB

  1. # ---> C
  2. # Object files
  3. *.o
  4. *.ko
  5. *.obj
  6. *.elf
  7. # Precompiled Headers
  8. *.gch
  9. *.pch
  10. # Libraries
  11. *.lib
  12. *.a
  13. *.la
  14. *.lo
  15. # Shared objects (inc. Windows DLLs)
  16. *.dll
  17. *.so
  18. *.so.*
  19. *.dylib
  20. # Executables
  21. *.exe
  22. *.out
  23. *.app
  24. *.i*86
  25. *.x86_64
  26. *.hex
  27. # Debug files
  28. *.dSYM/
  29. # ---> C++
  30. # Compiled Object files
  31. *.slo
  32. *.lo
  33. *.o
  34. *.obj
  35. # Precompiled Headers
  36. *.gch
  37. *.pch
  38. # Compiled Dynamic libraries
  39. *.so
  40. *.dylib
  41. *.dll
  42. # Fortran module files
  43. *.mod
  44. # Compiled Static libraries
  45. *.lai
  46. *.la
  47. *.a
  48. *.lib
  49. # Executables
  50. *.exe
  51. *.out
  52. *.app
  53. # ---> C Sharp
  54. # Build Folders (you can keep bin if you'd like, to store dlls and pdbs)
  55. [Bb]in/
  56. [Oo]bj/
  57. # mstest test results
  58. TestResults
  59. ## Ignore Visual Studio temporary files, build results, and
  60. ## files generated by popular Visual Studio add-ons.
  61. # User-specific files
  62. *.suo
  63. *.user
  64. *.sln.docstates
  65. # Build results
  66. [Dd]ebug/
  67. [Rr]elease/
  68. .vs
  69. .vscode
  70. x64/
  71. *_i.c
  72. *_p.c
  73. *.ilk
  74. *.meta
  75. *.obj
  76. *.pch
  77. *.pdb
  78. *.pgc
  79. *.pgd
  80. *.rsp
  81. *.sbr
  82. *.tlb
  83. *.tli
  84. *.tlh
  85. *.tmp
  86. *.log
  87. *.vspscc
  88. *.vssscc
  89. .builds
  90. # Visual C++ cache files
  91. ipch/
  92. *.aps
  93. *.ncb
  94. *.opensdf
  95. *.sdf
  96. # Visual Studio profiler
  97. *.psess
  98. *.vsp
  99. *.vspx
  100. # Guidance Automation Toolkit
  101. *.gpState
  102. # ReSharper is a .NET coding add-in
  103. _ReSharper*
  104. # NCrunch
  105. *.ncrunch*
  106. .*crunch*.local.xml
  107. # Installshield output folder
  108. [Ee]xpress
  109. # DocProject is a documentation generator add-in
  110. DocProject/buildhelp/
  111. DocProject/Help/*.HxT
  112. DocProject/Help/*.HxC
  113. DocProject/Help/*.hhc
  114. DocProject/Help/*.hhk
  115. DocProject/Help/*.hhp
  116. DocProject/Help/Html2
  117. DocProject/Help/html
  118. # Click-Once directory
  119. publish
  120. # Publish Web Output
  121. *.Publish.xml
  122. # NuGet Packages Directory
  123. packages
  124. # Windows Azure Build Output
  125. csx
  126. *.build.csdef
  127. # Windows Store app package directory
  128. AppPackages/
  129. # Others
  130. [Bb]in
  131. [Oo]bj
  132. sql
  133. TestResults
  134. [Tt]est[Rr]esult*
  135. *.Cache
  136. ClientBin
  137. [Ss]tyle[Cc]op.*
  138. ~$*
  139. *.dbmdl
  140. Generated_Code #added for RIA/Silverlight projects
  141. # Backup & report files from converting an old project file to a newer
  142. # Visual Studio version. Backup files are not needed, because we have git ;-)
  143. _UpgradeReport_Files/
  144. Backup*/
  145. UpgradeLog*.XML